We're committed to making sure no one feels excluded from their graduation. We know that many students are facing financial difficulties, so we've created a fund to help with the direct costs associated with graduation ceremonies, such as gown hire and guest tickets. 

We’re delighted to share that the Students' Union UCL Participation Fund, has a limited fund available to support this year’s cohort of graduates who would otherwise struggle to attend their ceremony.  

Who can apply, and what for:

  • The fund is open to all student attendees of the May, July and September 2024 ceremonies (July and September applications are now open)
  • You can apply for up to £74 of support. This can be used to reimburse you for the cost of your gown hire and/or one guest ticket. Alternatively, you can apply to have the cost of two guest tickets reimbursed.  

We hope this helps make attending your graduation ceremony more affordable.

How to access this support:

  • Book your ticket and gown hire through the graduation portal. 
  • Complete the form below, uploading the payment confirmation/receipt you received after booking through the Graduation portal.
  • We'll process your application and reimburse your personal bank account.
  • We have allocated a limited pot of money to support the July and September 2024 Graduation ceremonies; applications for funding will be considered in the order they are received.
  • Applications will close on Friday 30 August, or earlier if the fund reaches its limit. Therefore, we encourage anyone wanting to apply for this support to do so as soon as possible.
Required field
Your details
Full name as shown on your bank account
Confirmation of payment will be sent to this address

What would you like to be reimbursed?
One file only. • 10 MB limit. • Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip. • 50 MB limit per form.
Please upload a copy of your booking or payment confirmation receipt. Please make sure the file shows your full name.

Bank Account Details
Please provide your bank account details below. If your application is succesful, the funds will be transferred to this account.

Data Protection

Students’ Union UCL will only store and use the information you provide in this survey to process your application, communicate with you about it, and maintain necessary records. We will not identify you in any report nor share your details with anyone else without your further consent, and will only process your personal data in accordance with University College London’s current data protection policy and the Students’ Union UCL Data Protection and Privacy Policy available here.