Students' Union UCL is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members to experience new activities. One of the ways we do this is to make it clearly known that certain behaviours are unacceptable, this includes any form of initiation.    

Please note: any kind of club or society initiation ceremony is strictly prohibited and we will take action against any club or society who fails to comply with this policy.

The club and society regulations around initiations are as follows:

8.5          Initiations, Peer-Pressure and Hazing

8.5.1      Any kind of Club or Society initiation ceremony is strictly prohibited.

8.5.2      Initiation ceremonies are defined as being events in which members (often, though not exclusively, new members) of a Club or Society are expected to perform a task or tasks as a means of gaining acceptance, status or credibility within the Club or Society.

8.5.3      Under no circumstances must any individual or group of individuals be forced or pressured against their will into taking part in any Club or Society activities or events. Disciplinary action will be taken by the union and other relevant governing bodies of clubs and societies if regulations on initiations and hazing are breached. 


We understand it can be difficult for people to come forward with complaints in this area, so we have created an anonymous reporting form. We will investigate all submissions in line with the club & society regulations and the union bye laws. 

If you wish to make an anonymous submission please ensure you are logged out of this website before submitting this form.

If you do choose to leave your contact details, we will keep you updated on the outcome of your submission, and we may contact you for further information. However, please note that your details will never be shared with the offending club or society.

Required field
Please outline the incident or experience you wish to report. Try to include as much detail as possible and if you have any supporting evidence (e.g. screenshots or photos) please also upload these below.
Please upload any supporting evidence that will aid us in investigating your report, for example this could include screenshots of messages or photos
One file only. • 10 MB limit. • Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, html, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav. • 50 MB limit per form.
If you would like to be updated on the outcome of your report, and you are happy to be contacted should we require further information, please leave your details below. We will not share this information with any third party.