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“I tried to improve feedback on the BME student study experience. I explained the phenomena and feelings of Chinese students in their communication with other students. This was somewhat successful and extracurricular activities were organised for students on our programme.”
– Mathematics Rep

“A worthwhile policy that the department is looking to emulate was a wider policy within the Arts and Humanities Faculty colloquially known as “de-colonising the curriculum” which is an attempt to diversify the reading material and perspectives thought within the various institute. One of the exercises proposed was to calculate the racial, cultural, gender and religious makeup of the authors presented to us which was more than worthwhile in demonstrating that an overwhelming majority were middle aged white men. This went along way to helping faculty confront potential bias in the historiography they were choosing to present us with and I am looking forward to seeing how this is implemented and improved upon next year.”
– Social and Historical Sciences Rep

"I helped department staff organize the Chinese New Year dinner such as reaching out to restaurants, asking about the prices of the dishes, figuring out the best way to do this within the budget given and coming up with the red packet idea etc. I didn't get to be there that night since I flew back to China to unite with my family but I heard the dinner went quite well."
– Chemistry Rep

"We successfully arranged social events that more than half of the course came with a mix of Asians students and EU students, which before it’s usually only EU students joining the events. What we did is adding asian’s culture in the social events as well, for example not always holding pizza parties but having a event with Asians food like Indian and Chinese food. We also had bubble tea social event as well."
– Psychology and Language Sciences Rep

"Furthermore, at the most recent SSCC, the topic of racial inequality and the BLM movement was discussed, to which I spoke to the sensitive nature of this topic alongside some of my fellow Afro-Caribbean colleagues. We gave an account about how the recent world events had affected us deeply - serving as a stark reminder of racism that affects us and our society every single day no matter how overt or covert it appears to be. We then asked what actions the medical school intends to take in regards to supporting its Afro-Caribbean students. The medical school staff in the meeting were very open and attentive to those who spoke and appeared clearly committed to making change. The change itself remains to be seen and will undoubtedly be an ongoing discussion. However what immediate means of support that came about the discussion were the suggestions of a Schwartz round particularly for Afro-Caribbean students to speak about the microaggressions and instances of racism they've experienced within the healthcare setting."
– Medical School Rep

"Personally, I think I was successful in voicing my stance that more BME authors need to be represented in the prescribed readings for different modules. Moreover, the authors' pictures should be included and highlighted in these occasions. I have prepared a reading list for the following year's cohorts including a greater proportion of non-white authors compared to the preparatory reading given to my cohort."
– Cognitive Neuroscience Rep

"I've often felt the voices of BME students have either been overlooked or not been sort after, thus I organised a group chat of predominantly BME students to hear their concerns."
– History Rep

"Issues with a lack of teaching around BAME considerations within clinical trials. Discussed this with our classes and my fellow rep presented this to the faculty."
- Clinical Trials and Methodology Rep

"Set up the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in the English department, following the campaign by our BA and MA students to 'decolonise the curriculum' and introduce more materials from writers of colour and queer writers."
- English Language and Literature Rep

"I noted some specific ongoing issues with the treatment of disabled and vulnerable students in our department, and the matter of SoRAs. Staff often did not read SoRAs, and would not follow the in-class arrangements detailed on student SoRAs. The more I investigated this issue, the wider spread and more apparent the problem became. Not only did I immediately flag this up with staff, I brought this to an SSCC meeting in which staff promised to amend this issue. They assured the representatives that staff had been reminded to reacquaint themselves with students' SoRAs and would be reminding all staff regularly at DTCs."
- Greek and Latin Rep

"The set-up of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in the English department, following the campaign by our BA and MA students to 'decolonise the curriculum' and introduce more materials from writers of colour and queer writers."
- English Language and Literature Rep

"In the second term, I read the UCL Disability Report, and identified 30+ issues I can work on. After discussing this with other reps, we focused on two and we got funding for implementing them (ChangeMakers). One of them is enhancement of induction for new students. Another rep prepared slide to be incorporated into induction presentation with info where to get support in the UCL. I prepared 2 page doc which explains what visible and invisible disabilities are, examples of help UCL can provide, and where to turn to for help with contact details. This is meant to be given as a handout and emailed to students. The second thing we work on is providing training to staff about how to talk about disability, how to provide informal solutions to student, and how to make office/lab an attractive place for disabled students to come. We will tailor this training together with Enhance the UK, a charity run by disabled people."
- Cardiovascular Science Rep