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Expression of interest: Expression of interest closed

Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

The publicity secretary is in charge of ensuring consistent social media posts on what the network is doing and quick replies to DMs or escalate to the Women's Officer. They are responsible for ensuring all social media posts are appropriate and aligned with the networks' values. 


Natalie Wickremasinghe (She/Her)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hi! My name is Natalie and I'm a postgraduate law student. I would like to run for this position so I can be more actively involved with the Women’s Network and help promote the importance of gender equality at UCL. If elected, I hope to amplify these values through their social media channels and inform others of ways they could get involved with the network. I would aim to keep our social media pages as active and interactive as possible and reply to any queries quickly. I hope that these actions collectively would help build a strong sense of community and a welcoming environment.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I believe I am well suited to this role, as during my undergraduate degree I was on the committee of two societies as a marketing officer and social media officer respectively. As a result, I am comfortable with designing posts for social media to promote events; resizing them for different social media channels; thinking of ways to increase engagement; ensuring posts stick to a theme; summarising information for posts and maintaining social media pages. I enjoy working as part of a team and like to think I am friendly, approachable and enthusiastic! 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I would love to work alongside the rest of the committee to help effectively convey the importance of gender equality and help create an environment where women feel empowered, as these are things I feel passionate about. I would ensure our social media pages are an active source of information for events and respond to queries quickly. Thank you for your consideration!