Election post


Hey, I am Haonan and I am studying Biological Sciences!

I am a good fit for President of the Volunteering Society because I am...

1) Responsible and trustworthy for long term commitment: I ran a cultural society in high school for three years, planned themes and activities every semester, organized weekly meetings

2) Experienced with volunteering: organized three major fundraising events for local shelters and NGOs; directly worked with vulnerable patients in clinic and tutored high school students

3) Good at communication and collaboration: led dozens of people for fundraising events; collaborated with volunteers, international NGOs, and stakeholders

4) Passionate in making an impact within local community: passed the interview with UCLH and will be taking a 6-month-commitment to UCL hospital as a Rapid Response Volunteer

As a candidate for President in the Volunteering Society, I will strive towards…
Expanding volunteer opportunities by reaching out to more companies and forming partnership with other society
Inviting highprofile guest speakers about volunteering in different fields
Enhancing Training and Development so members in the society will be confident when applying for volunteering roles
Createing a Sense of Community: plan and organize monthly events
Ensuring close communication and collaboration with the UCLvolunteering and Volunteering Officer
Fostering an inclusive and comfortable environment