Election post


Hi! I’m Sara, I am a first-year Politics and Sociology student and I’ve really enjoyed being the Fresher’s rep on the Stage Crew committee this year! I’ve been involved in three Blooms shows, as an ASM on An Ideal Husband and the Producers and as co-prod manager on the K-Pop Showcase. Throughout these weeks, on externals and especially as part of the committee I have gradually become familiar with how Stage Crew runs, but most importantly I have gotten to meet so many great people some of whom were new to Stage Crew, and many who had been involved forever.
I believe socials are central to stage crew, particularly in Term 1 because they serve both as an opportunity to learn more about crews, shows and different roles, and as a space to get to know everyone else involved and with that feel more confident signing up for crews. When I first joined Stage Crew in the fall I had absolutely no experience and was very unsure how I could get involved, so it was at socials like ‘Meet the Committee’ and the Pub quiz, that I could figure out what roles I wanted to try and above all, meet a few familiar faces so signing up didn’t feel so nerve-wracking.
Partially based on my own experience, I think socials can be an important avenue to recruit new members and encourage people to keep signing up. Stage Crew can at times become very energy and time-consuming with an overwhelming amount of work, so I hope that socials can be a chance to find some balance in a low-stress environment. As your Social Secretary, I would firstly

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