Election post


It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Sports Director over the past year. As I stand for re-election, I am reminded of our collective aspirations and the strides we have made towards a more active and united society.

Over the last year, we've seen phenomenal growth in our sports programs, with increased participation across all events and collaborations with other societies. Our commitment to fostering a strong community spirit through sports has been evident in the enthusiastic involvement of new and returning members alike. This success is a testament to the vibrant energy and dedication of each one of you.

With your continued trust and support, I am excited to propose my agenda for the coming year:

  • Sustaining Community Engagement: I will continue to ensure that our sporting events serve as a platform for unity and conversation among Singaporeans from all walks of life, reinforcing the bonds within our community.
  • Innovative Sporting Events: With the insights gained from this year, I plan to introduce new initiatives (more collabs!) and improve on existing ones, ensuring they remain relevant and engaging for everyone.

Uncontested this year, the position remains one of responsibility and potential. I do not wish to see the progress we’ve made fade but rather hope to continue building on it. I am excited about the possibility of serving again as your Sports Director, continuing to create opportunities that celebrate our shared heritage and passion for sports.