Election post


To put it simply, I care for the cause of Sexpression (and also the vibe of people), I really do.  Sex positivity, education and safeguarding have always been something I was vocal about, and my time in Sexpression helped me learn more.I have been volunteering from a long time and I have gained a lot of of experience. I’ve been in mentoring and teaching positions before( I absolutely love it), which has helped me learn how to communicate to educate and train people. I have worked with different age groups and differently-abled people, I can confidently say I can communicate with people clearly. What I mean to say is that I have the skill set for this position, and I would really love to use my skills to train new volunteers. I’ve really enjoyed my time in Sexpression this year, I would love to be part of the team. The opportunity to contribute back by being part of the team would be very valuable to me. I’m responsible, reliable and empathetic which I feel are some key values for someone in a training position. I can assure you, I will take great care of the responsibilities that come with this position. 


ps: pl pick me, choose me, love me for this position :D (kidding, I'm not annoying I promise)

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