Election post


Hi, I’m Emily and you might recognise me from being on the committee as Athletic’s Captain this year! I have loved having this role, as it has allowed me to organise large scale events, such as Varsity, meet lots of cool people, and increase participation and excitement in athletics!

While I love our themed sports nights at Phineas and Scala (sometimes!), I believe that there is huge potential for other, more inclusive socials. This could be quiz nights, group screenings of events like the Olympics and World Championships, beer miles and themed runs. After seeing the success of the boat ball, I would want to organise a similar event next year. Also, I would want to organise larger-scale socials after competitions, including after BUCS and Varsity. Increasing participation in socials is hugely important to me, as I’ve seen the benefit of a cohesive, supportive team. 

Since joining RAX two years ago, I have felt truly welcomed into our community, and as Social Sec, my top priority would be to make sure that others feel the same. I am friendly, approachable and truly passionate about RAX, so would take all ideas and suggestions on board!

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