Election post


Hi, I’m Nimi, and I would love for the opportunity to give back to the RUMS community through the role of Gen Sec. Through this position, I want to mediate between you and the RUMS committee, and will strive to provide you with the utmost support and clarity on all things RUMS and UCLMS through various platforms.

If elected, I pledge to:

  • Collaborate with committee to revamp the RUMS social media pages and monthly bulletin to better signpost resources and opportunities
  • Work to boost engagement with the RUMS website and social media posts, so you get the information and support you need
  • Mediate and maintain the feedback loop to give the RUMS community better transparency of committee meetings, through updates on the group chats or summaries of discussions through the newsletter
  • Continue to collect your feedback, so you can share your thoughts and concerns which committee can address to improve the RUMS experience
  • Maintain the high quality work of Abi and Mathura, our previous Gen Secs :)

My experience on the RUMS events subcommittee over the past year and a half has left me well equipped to manage the administrative demands of Gen Sec, including tackling the monthly bulletin. I’ve demonstrated my commitment to RUMS through helping at freshers events, the RUMS merch drop and presenting the committee hinge slides in Take Me Out this year. Most of all, I want to be a friendly face, someone that you can count on for support during your time in medical school!