Election post


Olá a todos! 

My name is José Maria, I'm from Portugal and I am so excited about running for the position of Events Officer for UCL’s Portuguese Speaking Society. As your Events Officer, my primary vision is to celebrate and promote the diverse and captivating Portuguese-speaking cultures through a series of engaging, educational and fun events. Here are my key goals:

1. Inclusive and Diverse Programming: Organise events that reflect all Portuguese-speaking countries. From Brazil to Portugal, Mozambique to Angola, I aim to highlight the unique aspects of each culture, ensuring that every member sees their heritage represented!
2. Community Building: Strengthen the bonds within our society and with the broader community through regular social gatherings, networking events, and collaborative projects with other cultural societies and Portuguese Speaking Societies from other universities, such as Imperial and LSE.
3. Increased Participation: Encourage greater participation from our members in planning and attending events. I believe in a community-driven approach where everyone’s ideas and contributions are valued.

Votem em mim para ser o vosso Events Officer!

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