Election post


Hi! My name is Eleanor and I'm a 1st year English Student :) Throughout this year, I have heavily engaged myself with student journalism, and while that has mostly manifested in writing, next year I hope to fully throw myself into my true passion: video.

With the formidable foundation already built by previous teams, my goal is to see PiTV become a bigger voice on campus, to assert itself as the student body's mouthpiece.

How will I make this happen?

Expanding our operations: ensuring a consistent upload schedule is crucial to building an audience. I hope to continue existing series and to foster new ideas within the team, but also have some ideas of my own:

- A bi-monthly round-up of 1. World News 2. London News. 3. UCL News (preliminary idea, we could call this 3.14 cause… pi… 3 segments every 14 days? get it?)

- Monthly 'Look through the archives'

- Introducing a 'pitch' system: this will be a way for other students to submit ideas or 'scoops'! They can choose whether to join PiTV and be involved in the production process, but this will be a way of getting in new ideas and ensuring we represent the whole student body.

The Big Project: an annual PiTV Documentary!

Management: all of this is ambitious, but I truly believe it can be possible through delegating roles efficiently, weekly meetings, and managing teams effectively.

Please get in contact if you have any more questions! As an aspiring journalist, being elected would mean a lot to me, so thanks for reading :)

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