Election post


Hey everyone!

I love physics, and since you're voting, I'm guessing you do, too. Outreach is key to making physics fun, accessible, and ultimately well-understood. As marketing officer, I'll be able to help more people see the engaging sides the subject has to offer.

I aim to draw upon previous experiences, whether producing advertising materials for workshops and campaigns or experimenting with information and media through an events board. In a world where information is anything but scarce, I strive to add extra punch to our materials and help carry the society's voice far and wide, reaching everyone within and beyond the community.

I appreciate that marketing is anything but simple—personability, informativeness, and a myriad of other aspects can be challenging to balance, and entrusting anyone with the role can be a huge leap of faith. However, I am prepared to take this opportunity and hope that through it, I'll be able to bring both marketing at PhySoc and my own skills to new growth in mutually beneficial collaborations.

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who's supported my academic officer campaign. Your votes and encouragement made everything possible, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Cheers, and feel free to hit me up for any questions or ideas!

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