Election post


I am running as president for Nordic Society for three main reasons.

Fist of all, I really enjoyed taking part in a varied range of Nordic Society events across this last year. As an international student London it’s nice to have a group of people to fall back on and feel a bit at home. At the same time its also been great celebrating different Nordic events and learning more how the culture differs across the countries.

Second, I am looking to improve the size of the society as this creates a bigger community and allows us to meet more people. Across my two years at UCL I realised that there is still a lot of Nordic people not involved in the society. I am planning on increasing the outreach of the society by first building on the great communication on social media that been prevalent this year. In addition, I want to do more joint socials with other societies as this can get the word of the society more out there whilst simultaneously being fun for everyone involved.

Third reason, is to further build on the carer focus that has been implemented this year. There are a lot of great career opportunities specific for Nordic people in London. For example the BCG Nordic event which was held earlier this year. I think its important for our current and aspiring future members to hear about these opportunities. Similarly, I want to enable some of these opportunities through the society. This could be things like visiting specific Nordic business in there London offices.

Happy days!