Election post


My main aim is to expand Natsci soc to a larger scale than it has ever been, by implementing more events that cater to a wider audience and the ability to connect with similar societies (like CPS). One of the key considerations behind this is logistical planning and I believe that I would make a great operations officer for Natsci soc, given the previous experiences I have in doing just that. In my first year here at uni, I have been a part of the UCL Tamil soc committee, in which I had to collaborate with all the other committee members to ensure events were run smoothly. Key responsibilities I had included helping to manage various bake sales we had for charity, contacting and securing venues/entertainment for some of our larger flagship events, and being part of the outreach team in order to promote the sales of tickets. Being operational officer for Natsci soc will allow me to help run the society on a weekly basis and deliver the much-anticipated events for all our members to enjoy. I also have many exciting ideas for new events to implement, including more themed clubbing events, jazz brunches and games nights with other universities if possible.

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