Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have now completed my first year at UCL as a part time MA Archaeology mature student, having made an ambitious career switch from a global marketing role in the financial services sector. In my career I gained valuable inter-personal and communications skills managing and collaborating within and across teams of differing nationalities around the world.  This academic year I was elected to the President of the Mature Society and I have learned from and enjoyed this experience. Now I wish to apply for the Officer position to build on what we have achieved to date.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Having almost completed an academic year in the President's role I understand the issues and pressures mature etc. students face, in particular needs at the beginning of the year, compared to other times. I would like to (1) run a series of social and networking events, front loaded  (2) ensure the appropriate support networks are in place for this diverse group of students (3) work with the others elected to Network positions to ensure their ideas and needs are incorporated in any programme. I would want to ensure we are effectively tapping into the new resources that UCL offers.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.
  1. I have relevant skills to offer to help the Network gained from my earlier career
  2. I've enjoyed being President this year and want to contribute more for Mature students
  3. I will work well with the others selected to drive the Network forward
  4. I like meeting new people and have been ever present at events this year
  5. Because I intend to make the Network fun and can relate to all types of mature/PT/parent/carer groups
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