Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If I am elected as the Parents Representative, I hope to create a strong support system for all parents and carer students at UCL. I hope to achieve this by organising regular social events online and in person where parents can share experiences and triumphs. I will advocate for changes to make the university campus more accessible and inclusive to parents and carers.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a parent myself I deeply understand the struggles of balancing studies with family responsibilities. From late night essay writing to the mad scramble when childcare falls through, I 've been there. This means I can empathize and offer relatable solutions and support. I am organised, resourceful and resilient. I have a strong desire to create a positive space, where everyone feels welcome, supported and celebrated. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I believe that together we can build a supportive student parents and carer's network at UCL. Vote for me so that we can build a network that empowers all student-parents to succeed and where every parents voice is heard.

Preferred pronouns
She/ Her