Election post


As I write this brief passage at 1:42am, I listen to the sound of my two heedless neighbours' pitchy singing outside my window, and am reminded of the beauty that is found in sharing music. I recall a great musician once said "Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand", I do not recall to whom this quote belongs - but I am sure that their music would be improved with more slap basslines.

With this in mind I truly believe music is the greatest part of ArtsUCL and what better mediator of this art than Live Music Society? I have been deeply involved in many aspects of the society this year - Extravabandza, LM Families, Gigs, House Band, Rhapsody - and so it is inevitable that I am now running to be social secretary. In this role I would develop upon the brilliant work done this year by Ben and Eve to have regular, accessible socials with an emphasis on everybody having a chance to perform. I also would make Gigs, Open Mics, and Jams more frequent so that members have as much opportunity to perform as possible. Finally, I would aim to have more collaborations between Live Music and other Music Societies.

I am experienced in organising timings, people, and admin having been an MD in multiple events this year. I have also eaten dinner in an LM committee meeting so clearly I know the processes that go into running a society inside-out.

Music is the greatest art form and I want nothing more than to convince all of UCL that this is true.

Dan <3

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