Election post


Hey, I'm Ella and I'm excited to be running for President! Having been playing lacrosse for over a decade at this point, I love the game almost as much as I love this society. After a rough-run this year in the 1's, I'm prepared as President to ensure that the club has all the resources we need to hit the ground running next year! This includes finding a top-notch coach and perhaps more importantly, finding turf for the team to train on next year to make sure we can take full advantage of practice time. Additionally, I would make sure we emerged as a strong recruiting presence during Fresher's Week to help build the club to full strength for next year.

As a first-year economics student, my finance-bro background in Excel leaves me well-suited to handle all the administrative duties that comes with the position. With the foundations of a strong committee next year having already been voted in, it leaves me in a good place to just help facilitate discussion within the group. If I get the position, I may even come to more than 3 socials next year!

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