Election post


Hi hi, I'm Eziah, a second-year Engineering and Architectural Design student. I've been a part of K-Pop Society for the past two years, participating in a variety of showcases and events, and would love to become an even bigger part of this community by becoming the Publicity Officer. I have always been interested in editing and making visual art, and have had experience in creating various media forms, from short films and games to promotional artwork. As a previous UCL Media student and a current architecture student, I continue to grow and improve these skills too. I am also experienced in various useful programs such as the full Adobe Suite, Figma, and Canva.

As Publicity Officer, I aim to grow our online presence through engaging content and collaborations, ensuring that every member, from casual social event goers to dancers and vocalists, feels involved. I hope to attract new fresh faces to the society, overall expanding our community into one that is friendly and wholesome =) 

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