Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I will work closely with the media and communication team to ensure that social event information is informed clearly!

Social events:

A Taste of Home: Monthly global cuisine events in the campus canteen, transporting international students through the flavors they know and love

Cultural Experience: Social events celebrating traditional clothing, captivating art/dance exhibitions, and an annual International Student Ball creating a home away from home

International ball/club to connect international student together with different countries songs and dance the night away! 


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

With prior experience as a class representative, student council member, house captain, and head-of-year assistant, I've consistently championed the voices of students at various levels. I've led initiatives to foster a sense of community within the school, including organizing events like the International Fair to celebrate diverse cultures and coordinating sports events to unite different year groups. My leadership abilities, event organization experience, managing social media skills, and positive outlook on overcoming challenges uniquely position me to excel in the role.


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As an international student, I've faced firsthand the challenges of adapting to life in the UK! 

I want to transform the "loneliness" we feel to an exciting journey!

VOTE for me for different exciting eventsss!!! 

I will ensure my skillset can effectively bring out different events smoothly! 

hope to work for you all soon!!! :) 

Preferred pronouns
She/ her