Election post


I am running for President of the UCL Intellectual Property Society because I am passionate about fostering a dynamic and engaged community within the realm of intellectual property. My motivation stems from a deep-seated interest in the many facets of intellectual property itself and the many ways it affects our lives on a daily basis, as well as an ambition to take the IP Soc to the next level and see significant growth in membership, engagement and funding over the next year.

As President, I envision a society where members are actively involved in shaping their learning experiences and forging meaningful connections with industry professionals, whilst thriving in an inclusive community setting. Here's how I plan to achieve this:

  • Student Engagement: Prioritise active involvement of members in society activities and events.
  • Enhanced Career Support: Offer comprehensive career support including application reviews and career dinners.
  • Interactive Events: Host IP-themed games nights with exciting prizes.
  • Industry Connections: Utilise personal links with IP professionals at Meta, gained through a legal internship, to provide insights and opportunities for IP Soc's members.
  • Community Building: Organise activity socials across London to cultivate a community spirit.
  • Educational Sessions: Conduct frequent interactive sessions focusing on diverse areas of interest within IP, such as fashion.

Vote Muhammad for President to Shape the Future of IP at UCL!

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