Election post


I am standing to be Events Officer for the History Society to ensure that the events that are run next year will be engaging and foster a sense of community among the society. 

As Events Officer, I would ensure the concepts of events are fun and entertaining (that are also not only pub quizzes because not all of us want to go to the pub or be quizzed). I aim to contribute to an inclusive and open history society that welcomes students from all disciplines and backgrounds.

I would also ensure effective promotion for these events, making sure that members are alerted of them in a timely manner with detailed information about timings, locations and plans for the event ahead. Feedback would be welcomed and encouraged to help improve the society experience and make it all the more enjoyable for everyone.

Organisation and creativity are key skils for this role and also happen to be things that I excel at, so vote for me as Events Officer so I can organise fun events :D

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