Election post


I took over as the Rainbow Six Siege admin in Spring of 2024 to a relatively dying scene. With no active team, no previous admin, and barely any interest left in the game, I took it upon myself to create our beloved UCL Knights. Within one season (with no prior experience), we had landed ourselves in the Open Playoffs, and ranked 15th in the country of almost 50 teams who had much more experience. I've also played in National leagues and have led many teams in my career.

I've been involved heavily with KCL, as well as creating a community for the London Uni R6 players, with players from all the big names involved; UCL, KCL, ICL, LSE, as well as other universities. I've therefore been fortunate enough to gain some experience with organising and structuring inter-university games (think CLUE!), as well as catering to many different needs and wants.

However, I've not said all this to brag. Instead, I hope it shows my dedication, leadership skill and passion towards improving and elevating our teams and society as a whole. I have had the privilege of playing with our society in NSE and NUEL, and having watched the R6 team grow, I will aim to put more attention towards smaller, more niche games, as well as supporting our already highly-successful teams. I'd love for more games and players to be represented in our society, and especially Varsity. 

I promise to be an open-minded, down-to-earth and committed president, and will put in as much effort as I possibly can for the society.

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