Election post


Hi! I’m Pelin, and I’m excited to run for Workshop and Culture Producer. I adore the encouraging and supportive atmosphere Film and TV society creates and want to enhance it further in my journey as the Workshop and Culture Producer. By organizing workshops with industry experts and successful alumni, I would aim to foster connections among fellow film enthusiasts within the society. I recognize the significance of workshops in facilitating networking opportunities, so I'm committed to curating engaging, entertaining and valuable sessions. I'm also very eager in keeping the great scope of the workshops by making sure to include all elements of practical film and tv from pre-production and production to distribution. For those interested in the theoretical side, I would also love to organize analysis and commentary workshops. By enhancing the diversity of the workshops, I would aim to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable to start their journey in film and tv.
I've participated in numerous workshops over the past year, and experienced firsthand their impact on filmmaking knowledge and networking opportunities. I've met great people I would love to collaborate on future projects and had the chance to hear personal experiences of creatives in the industry. As the Workshop and Culture Producer I would aim to encourage members to continue their journey in film, reach out and connect with other members and enhance the special bond of the society.

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