Election post


Hi, I’m Ana, a 3rd year Neuroscience student ,and I'm stoked to be in the running to be your next Welfare Officer. We’re all part of this wild society where philosophers and physicists collide over coffee to discuss spacetime, but it’s not just our brains that need looking after; it’s our well-being too.

I am committed to fostering an environment where every member feels valued, heard, and supported. This includes organizing wellness workshops and informal meet-ups that allow us to unwind and connect beyond academic discussions. Mental health and well-being are as crucial as intellectual engagement, and I aim to introduce initiatives that address the holistic needs of our members.

Our flagship symposiums are a testament to the interdisciplinary spirit of our society. As Welfare Officer, I will work to ensure these events are accessible to all members, accommodating different learning styles and needs. This means providing resources for preparation before events, facilitating smaller discussion groups, and ensuring that every voice can be heard during our expansive debates.

So, why vote for me? Because I’m ready to roll up my sleeves, listen hard, and put in the work to make sure our society isn’t just intellectually enriching but also a blast to be part of. Let’s make the Duckrabbit Society a place where every member feels at home.