Election post


Hello everyone! I'm your friendly chemist, Mayukh! Currently a 2nd year (soon to be 3rd hopefully) Chemistry student, and a dedicated member who has been passionately involved in drama from my high school days, I am excited to put forth my candidacy for the Workshops Officer. Being an Outreach Ambassador of our Faculty, I have a host of experience in organising workshops in crafting engaging and educational events, which has inspired me to apply for this fantastic role!

If elected, my goals include:

Diverse Workshops: I plan to curate a wide range of workshops that cater to all interests within our society—from acting and directing to scriptwriting. These sessions will be designed to not only enhance our theatrical skills but also to provide real-world insights and networking opportunities.

Innovative Events: Whether it's a play-reading marathon, an improv night, or a collaborative project with other societies, my aim is to create memorable and enriching experiences for everyone.

Efficient Planning: I will leverage my organizational expertise to ensure that all events are well-planned, smoothly executed, and accessible to all members.

Feedback-Driven Programming: I intend to implement regular feedback mechanisms to make sure our workshops and events are truly serving your needs and interests, evolving our offerings based on what you tell us works best.

Together, we can make our Drama Society's calendar vibrant, educational, and downright fun.

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