Election post


Hiii everyone!

For the past year spent getting my degree in Arts UCL (literally), I loved working in the Drama community with many immensely talented and dedicated people who have now become my dear friends, and I wish for everyone in our community to continue pursuing their creative endeavours at UCL. From festival pieces to term shows and blooms, I think all shows should be a safe environment for people to express themselves. As the Welfare Officer, I promise to help ensure that every Drama space at UCL is a place where people are free to reach out in case of any issue, no matter the size. I will always be open to conversations or messages if anyone has any concerns about their working conditions or even outside production. 

 Having worked on a few shows across the theatre societies of UCL from both production and acting sides this year, I, first-hand experienced the stress that arises during the processes of auditions, concurrent shows and juggling academics all at once, and I hope that everyone feels free that they can reach out in the case of stress or any other problems at any moment without judgement. With this, my hope is to facilitate professional Welfare communications with the Student's Union regarding safety issues of the members, and conveying urgent matters in due time. 

Furthermore, as the Welfare Officer of UCL Drama, I hope to make all new members feel welcome and facilitate their immersion within the theatre spaces of UCL, making it accessible and open to people of all backgrounds and experiences in Drama.

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