Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Ria, I'm a fourth year medical student and one of the current publicity officers for DermSoc. 

Having worked with the society for a year, I have gained invaluable experience and a thorough understanding of the society's work. I also gained a crucial insight into the organisation of events such as the London DermSocs conference (which we hosted at UCL) and the UCL DermSoc teaching series where I helped invite speakers and deliver sessions. These experiences have allowed me to appreciate the importance of the networking officer role, and the impact that engaging and passionate speakers can have at these events. 

During my iBSc year, I conducted research within the UCLH Dermatology Department for my project on adolescent dermatology. Carrying out this work and presenting the research at conferences has honed my networking skills and broadened my understanding of the field. I believe that my blend of experience and passion would allow me to make effective contributions within the Networking Officer role. I am eager to use my experience to help the society in continuing to run such valuable events and talks.  

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