Election post


Hi, I'm Raavi and I'm currently a 3rd year medical student!

I am very interested in dermatology and how the cosmetic aspects can play a big role in psychological outcomes. I am also extremely passionate about skincare so would love to contribute to this society!

As a fundraising and charity officer, I propose:
- To initiate "Charity of the Month", allowing society members to choose and support a charity of their choice. I hope to raise awareness about rare skin conditions by promoting charities that support this.
- An inter-university dermatology charity ball -  including talks from dermatologists, to combine aspects of charity and networking. It would also be a great way to celebrate the achievements of the society and to collaborate with other dermatology societies!

Also, I have the experience of being the volunteering (charity) secretary in 2022 for RUMS Badminton Club, where I held big charity events such as tournaments and social events. I have also been elected as women's captain for next year, so I hope to create a charity event that could combine both societies. Having a joint society event would also attract new members and raise awareness about a speciality that often receives limited exposure in medical school.