Election post


Hi! I’m Sara and I’m currently a first-year Politics and Sociology student. I first joined CAS through Fossil Free Careers last fall and have been involved since. Over the past few months, I have been part of the FFC week of action and protest, and our effort to have the SU Welfare and Education Zone pass FFC. Through these experiences I know that CAS has amazing people with whom it is very rewarding and energizing to work, but also that there are times when the outcome isn’t what we hoped for.
I have gotten to know a group of people who constantly work to support each other and build community. As Welfare officer, it is this collaborative atmosphere and community that I would like to build on. I would aim to be present as a resource, hold drop-ins or welfare socials but also create spaces for welfare amongst everyone involved with CAS to be able to support each other. Finally, as Welfare officer I would commit to asking for feedback and collaborative input so that I can work on welfare initiatives that everyone feels they can benefit from.

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