Election post


Hey guys, it's a sad day for my haters at the Union because I am not going anywhere (I am going to do a part-time master's). CG has been a lovely community (way better than Juggling & Circus) and an amazing publication, but I think there's a lot more we could be doing to nail the Pi Media competition. Here are some of the things I would love to do if I get to be co-EIC!

  1. Bring back the SU column on Page 1 - We should be doing a lot more to hold the Union to account. My hot take is that we are at least partly to blame for Aria's shock re-election victory as sabb despite being unashamedly incompetent. We need to bring Union politics back to the heart of our reporting to ensure proper scrutiny and help deliver an informed student body.
  2. Stronger online presence - We should be promoting our pieces better online. I would love to see a post per article with a graphic that goes with it. I also think we should be doing more video journalism like the Guardian or BBC explainer videos on Instagram.
  3. Tabloidisation of print issues - I think we're really good at in-depth journalism but need to find a better balance with the kind of flashy tabloid journalism that people will want to read about, especially in our print issues. I would love to see more graphics, more colours, and bigger headlines.

Over the last three years, I have consistently posed a reputational risk for the Union in every elected position I have held; I intend to hold onto that title as your next co-EIC.

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