Election post


Hi, I’m Marihah, and I’ll be running for Maintenance Officer! In my short time with UCLBC I have thoroughly enjoyed getting into rowing and understanding how the sport works. During this year I have also come to realise, after many hours spent on the riverbank, that actually being on the water is only half the sport. The other half is in the preparation, from anything between loading boats and keeping them well maintained, to trying to find a working cox box or keeping track of the rigger jiggers we never seem to have enough of!  

As Maintenance Officer I aim to be in close contact with the members of the club to keep track of how things are being used and, if any problems come up will do my best to solve them as quickly as possible to avoid any long term damage so we can use more of our funds for the more fun experiences that rowing with UCLBC entails!

With my strong organisational skills and previous experience managing sports equipment for different events as House Captain at school, I understand the importance of having a well maintained club and will ensure that UCLBC works towards keeping the highest standards possible which will only improve our outings and performance in the future!