Election post


Hello everybody! My name is Archie Worth, and I am currently a first year mathematics student. I'm originally from Oxford, but I have also lived in France.

My goals:

- As mathematics students, it's easy to stay inside your bedroom all day, slaving away at problem sheets. As events officer, I would endeavour to host more socials and fun activities for maths students and the like (especially ones at the pub).

- Being from the UK, I have many contacts throughout the country's universities and so I would also hope to create events and talks with other mathematics societies, and build a student-led, mathematics network.

- Similar to how the philosophy society does the first year logic tutoring, one of my big goals is to create a weekly volunteer-ran analysis 1 tutoring session. Analysis 1 was hard at the beginning, and having a group of older students to help on lecture material would've been invaluable.

Why you should vote for me:

- I really (really) enjoy mathematics. Whether it's doing the problem sheets, arguing about answers with friends, or creating resources for others to revise from:  mathematics is a large part of my life. I hope to share this enthusiasm with the rest of the society.

- Being the president of my sixth form, I have lots of leadership experience. I oversaw various events, including (but not limited to): Battle of the Bands, a Chess tournament, and a Winter Ball.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please consider voting for me for events officer

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