Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Having found and led a medical society in my old school, organizing events such as inviting guest speakers and organizing debates about medicine. I actively seek what people desire, discover and explore about the medical field that both takes and gives away life so easily. Having also been a MUN society judge and moderator for the debate, I strive to bring easier access to discourse on new ideas of medical science. So, equipped with these organizational skills, I aim to bring greater engagement, transparency and communication to the practical side of the medical sciences.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

My aspirations is to build a greater bond between students themselves as well as with teachers. So that debates on the medical sciences in both new and old ideas are easily made and refined. Furthermore, on the practical side I hope to bring our clinical facilities up to date and efficient. Moreover, I also aim to provide aid to students struggling on the practical side of things as well. Hoping to bring further engagement and study into the medical sciences, and beyond just the course subject itself via events organized with the entire faculty. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Your exploration and discovery in the field matters. Your ideas can further the very frontiers in this field. We are the future generation that will carry the greatness of our forefathers and mothers. But! Ideas must be listened to, not just heard otherwise no change takes place, and I care to listen, care to debate and explore them. So vote not for me as a person, but vote for your desires, your ideas and our future

Tao Zeyuan 2024-2025. Thank you.

Preferred pronouns
He/ Him