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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Have you read the role description for Faculty Reps yet?

In order to nominate/vote for this position you be a Postgraduate Taught student from the Faculty of the Built Environment. 

If you have any questions about the position, please contact [email protected].



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run25 Oct 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running4
Available position1
Total ballots72
Valid votes72
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Sheshaagilandam Vallinayagam [20755]10.00
Winnie Liu [20823]12.00
Soraya Nezam [20912]49.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 36.00. Candidate Soraya Nezam [20912] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Soraya Nezam [20912].


Winnie Liu (she/her)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I will bring strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills developed through my roles as Policy Analyst at Global Entrepreneurship Congress, Colombia, HR assistant at BCG and International Conference Producer in UK. I have experience advocating for student needs, leading cross-functional teams, and coordinating large-scale projects. My passion for sustainability and the built environment, combined with my ability to engage effectively with diverse stakeholders, ensures I can represent student concerns and drive positive changes within the department.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

 I aim to enhance communication between students and faculty, ensuring student concerns and suggestions are effectively addressed. I hope to foster a collaborative environment where students feel supported academically and personally. I will advocate for improvements in course delivery, sustainability initiatives within the department, and opportunities for professional development. Ultimately, I want to create a positive and inclusive experience for all students in the Built Environment department, helping them succeed in their studies and future careers.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Students should vote for me because I am committed to representing their interests and ensuring their voices are heard. With experience as a Course Representative and studying across three universities and leading projects, I have a proven track record of advocating for student needs and driving positive change. I am approachable, organized, and passionate about improving the student experience. By working collaboratively with both students and faculty, I will work hard to create a supportive and enriching environment for everyone in the Built Environment department.

Soraya Nezam (She/Her)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • Having worked 3 years in consulting prior to my MSc, I have developed a knack for tackling problems and opportunities with a realistic approach - especially when trying to implement innovative ideas for change.
  • In my education, I take a very active approach to advocating for my hopes and needs - so I would love to also advocate on behalf of my peers in the Bartlett Faculty. As you know… there is power in numbers.
  • I also come from a diverse background & have lots of experience engaging in a multicultural context to bring people together.
  • I.e., since the start of my program this year, I have taken initiatives to connect my peers, set up my programs' WhatsApp community and engaged students from all backgrounds to get their ideas on their first weeks at UCL, what they were expecting, & feedback on what they were hoping for.
  • In terms of equipping students with an advantage in the very competitive job market, I have experience innovating solutions in my undergraduate career. During undergrad, I felt there wasn’t enough real-world experience infused in my curriculum. In response, I took the initiative to develop a business model aimed at enriching the curriculum and student experience with more structured opportunities to engage with local businesses through school projects (i.e., research, papers, dissertations, capstone projects). The non-profit business plan was for a university center that partnered students with local businesses to use their projects as an opportunity to make a real impact locally - all of which contributes to enriching the curriculum, strengthening students' networks and real-world skills, and providing businesses with advisory on how to green their operations in a cost-effective way.
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Improve connections between people of all backgrounds in the Bartlett faculty.
  • Enrich the curricula with more real world examples and experience beyond theoretical solutions for a more practical and actionable application to solutions in the Bartlett faculty.
  • The disciplines covered under the Bartlett faculty are rapidly evolving, and within that model, there is value in having knowledge transfer-  not just between students but also to be fed to faculty so these valuable knowledge exchanges can be implemented in the curricula.
Please summarise why students should vote for you.
  • I am approachable, proactive, solution oriented, and a natural diplomat. I believe that your educational experience is what you make of it - so if there is anything you wish UCL included in your experience, I would be happy to take your ideas and bring them to life.
    • For example, more opportunities to network, engage, work with industry professionals relevant to the Bartlett Faculty in and out of the classroom.
    • To get an advantage in the very competitive job market.
  • You should vote for me because I have a genuine interest in helping us make the most of our experience here at UCL and I have the skills to execute.
Sheshaagilandam Vallinayagam (he/him)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Having worked in groups back in my Bachelors and Masters coursework has fortified my skills as a leader and a team member. 

  • With my experience working in a huge corporate firm back in my country. I learnt how to keep myself organized and how to help my team members organized. 
  • Once I worked with a group of students to redevelop a park which was dilapidated and left alone. Me along with 5 other students redeveloped a park which is sustainable and used effectively. Hence, I believe I can bring about solutions to problems by working together and taking action.
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. I wanted to establish a community that is open to constructive criticisms. It works both ways for students as well as staff feedbacks
  2. I shall act as a bridge that connects both. I would do so by bringing in activities like meeting with faculty once or twice a month with students. It will provide a platform for interaction between students and staff
  3. In addition to listening to concerns I would put myself in the shoes of that person and decide on how that would affect both parties
  4. Creating a social media page that lets all the students and staff to post pictures which will be a memory forever
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I believe that I can help us in taking genuine concern to the faculty and will arrive at a conclusion after discussing it the same with them. I can try to help students if they require certain support. As we all know college can be stressful at oftentimes. I am always happy to listen to people about their worries without prejudice. Be it personal or academical I will maintain anonymity and aid you if required.