Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have developed organisational capabilities since I was in senior high school and undergraduate degree by joining various activities. During my undergraduate time, I became president of chemical engineering student union in my campus with member more than 300 people. I respect diversity, that's why I have broad circle of friends from all different ethnicity and knowledge background. I believe that the diversity is a strength and I love that Bartlett and UCL respect it too.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope that Bartlett become more vibrant community by discussing grand challenges that humankind faces such as climate change and AI revolution. I hope that Bartlett's student as young generation can become symbol of hope and optimism, together we try to find solution for these grand challenges, through inter-disciplinary discussion and idea exchange. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

For me, Bartlett is more than home, Bartlett is symbol of future making. I want to advocate this idea, idea of future that have more justice in society, more sustainable, and human-centred development. This idea can be realised when all stakeholders including young generation make effort towards it and discuss it inter-disciplinary. I believe that our diversity is the strength that we should utilised to find solution for our grand challenges at this moment.

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