Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Hi everyone! I'm a fourth year History undergraduate. I took a semester abroad followed by a 6 month sabbatical during which I worked as an accommodation co-ordinator for EF Education First, a large international language school.

My job required me to become familiar with what does and does not constitute suitable accomodation and living standards. I worked with students, teachers, and accommodation providers to ensure that all complaints were listened to, and necessary action was taken.

I have a sympathetic ear to housing complaints, and the determination and willpower to resolve your problems.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

My ambition is simple. I want every single student to have access to good quality, affordable, accessable housing.

I am prepared to deal with landlords and student accommodation providers with the help of renters unions and the students' union to ensure this is the case.

At the end of the day, we are at university to study and to have fun, not to be constantly worrying about rent, landlords, and housing. If I can play a role in ensuring that students no longer have to worry about those things, I would be very very happy.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I'm experienced, competent, and most importantly passionate!

If you're as fed up with the housing market being rigged against you as I am, you should vote for me!

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