Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

1. Effective Representation: will represent UCL students by advocating for our values, needs and political priorities to be heard nationally.

2. Policy Impact: actively shape policies for the benefits of students including dealing with the cost of living crisis, housing, fees and equality on campus.

3. Transparent Communication: will keep students informed on the conference's proceedings, ensuring communication with impact.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

With extensive leadership experience from winning the Global CEO for One Month program to leading the Gender Equality forum as part of my summer role at L’Oreal, I intend to ensure that all student feel heard within the scope of this year’s NUS conference.

I will be sure to maintain an on-going communication stream between the student body and the wider NUS community and stand for those that want to see effective change be implemented within UCL and beyond

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Dedication to student life. Transparency and accountability. Collaborative approach. Policy Expertise.

If this resonates with you, vote Laura for NUS rep.

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