Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Financial support for students worst affected by the cost of living crisis; and internationals with exorbitant tuition fees
  2. Greater availability of cheap, sustainable and ethical food, so we can make conscious choices without financial sacrifice
  3. Better housing support for later years and higher quality accommodation for first years
  4. Flexible attendance policies for students with long commutes
  5. Increased collaboration between students and academics to minimise the impact of strikes on our learning
  6. For mental health and wellbeing to be at the forefront of university activity
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Experience: I represented the concerns of my peers on my high school student council and co-founded a sustainability-focused society in my first year at UCL. Now in my second year, I run two societies and participate in a nationwide campaign to make university catering more sustainable and ethical for all.

Skills & Qualities: I am an empath and active listener, motivated to understand and address the issues that matter to you. I am driven with a track record of fighting for important causes. I seek to channel these qualities into empowering you to drive positive change at UCL.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Universities are powerhouses for societal change so their practices should align with their values. Students experience that this is not the case, for instance, when it comes to climate action. Among my initiatives is increasing institutional change towards sustainability to lessen the individual burden of behavioural change on students. Universities are also slow to enact reform, which is where we come into play. I am determined to use the opportunity being a Delegate provides to achieve tangible progress, ensuring that the diverse voices of each of you is heard. Vote for me so I can!