Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

My main aim is to defend students' rights and make decisions for our planetary and ecological future. I'd like to see our mental health protected, and I'd like to make sure that these precious years of study are enjoyable and equally accessible to all.

My main actions are:

  • Urge student union’s to lobby their universities to divest from fossil fuels
  • Implement more sustainable initiatives on campus
  • Improve conditions in halls
  • Fight for more opportunities to receive financial aid
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

After working for sustainable development organisations, taking part in climate action, and researching the impact of climate change on our neural circuits, I've been able to develop a great deal of knowledge and awareness of ecological issues.

I'm comfortable speaking in public. I'm not afraid to speak up when people are wrong and I raise my voice when I need to defend my ideas or those of others.

I have a great deal of energy to fight against social injustice, particularly inequalities in education. I always put my words into action and I don't do anything by halves.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a Masters student having grown up in a low-income neighbourhood, I am aware of the needs of certain sections of the population, especially students. I will take action to ensure that all student’s rights are protected.

I love university and because I realise the importance and place that university has on our lives, and more particularly on our financial situation and our mental health, I'm prepared to do everything I can to improve students' lives, by listening to your voice and representing you

I swear by efficiency, choose me to be your NUS! Many thanks to all of you.


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