Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Through this campaign I strive to act as a mouthpiece for UCL's large and diverse student body. The primary areas where I believe piecemeal or total reform will reap the greatest beneficial impact are as follows:

1.) Financial relief for all students in light of the cost of living crisis, especially international students subjected to disproportionate fees and limited accommodation choices.

2.) Expanded range of nutritious, sustainable and affordable food options in campus cafes to support mental and physical health.

3.) Increased safety resources giving students confidence on and off-campus.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am a mature international student in my second year of an LLB Laws degree at UCL. I previously completed an undergraduate degree at another University of London institution, reflecting a wide breadth of relevant experiences and qualities found among my fellow students.

I co-founded a multilingual society at UCL, encouraging students to participate in cultural exchange through linguistics, and have gained extensive advocacy skills from my work as the legal editor for an overseas animal welfare organisation, and as acting treasurer of UCL's Animal Rights Society (positions of responsibility).

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I have experienced first-hand the impact of many of these topical issues, and am driven to elicit a pledge to action from national administrators. 

Uniform access to education and support is the foundation of a well-equipped, content workforce and society. Educational-level reform has the potential for far-reaching global benefits. Given the platform to speak at the NUS conference, I will emphasise this ethos.

I am an approachable presence around campus, and welcome any opportunity to understand my fellow students' worldview.