Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I will seek to ensure that resolutions adopted by the 2024 Conference adequately represent the pressing concerns of students living and studying in London, in particular the crisis in student housing and the cost of living.

I will also seek to settle the age-old question of whether Blackpool - where the Conference will be held - is really a 'shithole'. With a divisive reputation, Blackpool has simultaneously earned the title of one of the worst seaside towns in Britain and the most underrated holiday destinations from the mainstream press. But I intend to do my own research on the matter.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Over the past two years, I have been involved in student politics in various capacities as an elected representative, first as Hall Representative for Goldsmid House and later as Accommodation and Housing Officer, during which I also attended the 2023 NUS Conference in Harrogate. I now write for The Cheese Grater Magazine as SU correspondent.

Unfortunately, you probably know me as the guy from Juggling and Circus, a permanent stain on my reputation that is completely the consequence of my own actions. Follow us on Twitter @ucl_jacs for I will be live tweeting the Conference if elected.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I believe it is imperative that students at UCL are aware of what the NUS is and what actually happens at the National Conference, having voted to remain in last year's referendum. As a member of the student media, I will be writing about my experience at the 2024 Conference, not only to demystify the NUS but also to hold our fellow delegates to account.

Also, I just want to see Blackpool for myself. I have heard a lot about this place (none of it good) but I will go there with an open mind. I will also be writing about this if elected.

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