Despite Frances Gardner and Langton Close being big student halls with so many students living close together and sharing facilities, students can naturally only stay within small circles; usually bounded to only their flatmates. At the end of the day, we are all year one UCL students that got in through hard-work and we would be so much more if we are as one than many small cliques of friendships. I wish to encourage a greater variety of optional activities that can integrate our community more as well as representing the student voice of our student hall to better the learning atmosphere.
I have been a boarding student for most of my life in the UK, in addition to countries like the US and China. I know first-hand the challenges of independence and living away from home and I wish to use my eight years of UK boarding experience to help anyone in need. Furthermore my experience of working and living in London makes me well informed of the city and well-networked in many areas; I am able to get our community freebies like sushi because of it.
I am fluent in both English and Chinese and I am very easy to talk to concerning anything and I'll be sure to do my best for the community
No matter how well furnished a student hall is and how good the facilities are, it is the characters of the student hall community that really makes the difference. Everyone from any background enriches our community and I hope for greater integration.
Contrary to popular belief, senior roles like these aren't a position of authority and power but a position of great responsibility and service. As a community officer, I will represent your voice and concerns and I have represented my fellow peers including under-represented pupil-bodies for a long time and I wish to do the same for you.