Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am Sophie-Jayne Bush, and in my 2nd year in the Science and Technology Studies Department,

  • Last year I was elected Lead Department Rep and represented the undergraduate cohort.
  • I was awarded the STS Alumni Prize for Outstanding Contributions, working to make as big an impact possible
  • Spent last year building the network needed to make change on a Faculty level. Attending Faculty meetings made me aware of issues to be addressed- your issues are my priority.  
  • I represented UCL to a panel of Russell Group Education leaders discussing the way AI should be used at university.
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • The quality and lack of feedback across the faculty is disgraceful. University is about learning, not numbers on a  page. I'll address the faculty directly to make feedback both in depth and punctual. 
  • AI exists- it's not going away and it needs integrating. It's a tool, not cheating as calculators were once seen.
  • Lecture notes must be made available to students- there's no excuse. It's not normal for students to rely on alumni notes.  
  • UCL students are employable but we must be clued up. Our Careers network must work to be more accessible and useful for students.  
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Your quality of education, is my quality of education and I want it to be the best. We should be supported by the university- I will make this happen by advocating for the student voice. 

Things must change and the only way forward is for reps to stand up and use the power in the roles they have been voted for. My experience has given me the greatest preparation and knowledge to take on this responsibility.  

And quite frankly, I want to see changes happen and I trust myself to do so- you can too. We are not the only university facing these problems, but let's be the first to solve them

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