Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

As the social secretary in the Women’s Network, I wish to strengthen & grow the community of those who identify as women at UCL through organising a variety of events that accommodate all interests. I will ensure that every event will celebrate the diversity of women & ensure that the network is reflective of different people's interests. As social secretary, my priority is to help create a safe space for all those who identify as a woman at UCL to support one another and facilitate conversations through organising a variety of events that will recognise individuality and promote inclusivity.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As the previous Women's Ambassador for UCL's Law Society, my responsibilities ranged from organising events with women from all backgrounds to liaising with the law faculty, as well as working with my peers who held different roles within the society. Further, growing up in a multicultural household will allow me to bring a global perspective to the network. Working part-time during term and having handled a diverse range of responsibilities in the past has allowed me to strengthen my time management, communication, and organisational skills, which I hope to utilise as social secretary. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a third-year law student, having seen the systemic injustices women face, my motivation to join the network as secretary stems from my desire to limit such injustices and play a role in empowering women. As social secretary, I would work closely with the secretary to ensure that the operations ran smoothly to guarantee a well-functioning and efficient network. I would prioritise the feedback received from women at UCL when organising social events to promote inclusivity across campus. I hope to assist the Women's Officers in achieving their goals for the advancement of the network.