Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I plan to create a safe paced environment where we can be supported and empowered. I will first organize different activities to encourage BME Women to express themselves through cutting edge training in Public speaking. I will secondly initiate workshops to promote inclusivity, equity and our presence in student activities. Finally, I will build the forum Right to Be Myself  where can be denounced harassment, sexism or racism acts against members.The forum will also be devoted to career planning and will help us use our origins as an asset to occupy posts where women are under-represented. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am Exia Gandaho a Chevening scholar 2022-2023, studying the MSc Global Healthcare Management (Finance). As a pharmacist who has always counselled patients at the counter, I have developed excellent communication, listening to others and serving skills. A year ago, I was appointed as the youngest Head of Pharmacy Department in my country. Being a young woman, I faced different critics and push backs. I then learnt to raise the strength to be respected as a woman in a position of responsibility. This shaped my mental, gave me resilience skills and motivated me to support other women as well.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I naturally enjoy being of service to others and creating an atmosphere of free speech. I want to be the one to whom all BME Women relate their various grievances with the firm belief that they will be understood and satisfied. I want to be the one who fights to ensure that we all have the best experience of our university journey in the best possible conditions. I don't feel any more qualified to play this role than any of us, but I am convinced that my professional background has given me important assets to best represent the needs of BME women at UCL. Voting for me is voting for yourself!