Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am an advocate for education. I was the first in my family to graduate from college, the only one who speaks English, and the first who was not a teenage mother. My experience shows how education can transform a family’s legacy. Hence, my life goal is to promote the right to high-quality education. As a teacher, I designed the first curriculum to teach conflict to Colombians. I fostered the first gender policy through pedagogical exercises in rural areas in Colombia. I created Enlaces Educativos, an NGO that wants to ensure access to education in rural areas reaching over 100,000 children


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I want to mobilize real solutions to real problems. I have to work three topics:  A) UCL and London adaptation. 2) Career plans. 3) Group sustainability. Solutions: 1. Creating an emotional, academic and recreational network with workshops to understand what are issues UCL students have to experience 2. Promoting networking spaces with companies and Alumni to support our future plans. 3. Looking for support from UCL stakeholders to create alternatives to support the students with low socioeconomic backgrounds

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am convinced that collective work and leadership allow us to reach ambitious objectives. During my role as SOCIAL CLASS & MOBILITY OFFICER, I will always defend the interests of all students. Besides, I have experienced first-hand what is to overcome a low socioeconomic background as a daughter of teenage working-class parents and as a project manager of different organizations. Empathy will be my mottos and flag to work for you.