Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to be able to accurately and efficiently share the views of the student body that I would represent and to advocate for positive changes as well as make more strong connections with LGBTQ and BME students in the university. 

I also intend to dedicate myself to the role in order to get the best outcome for the students since I know from personal experience how difficult and scary it can be to enter a new environment as an LGBTQ/BME person. I want to represent LGBTQ+ students so that they don’t have to be afraid or disappointed and can thrive instead, knowing they are well represented. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I worked as a sports team leader between ages 14-16 where I learned valuable leadership skills such as deescalation, showing the right amount of confidence and also approachability and respect. 

I also had a job for the entirety of my first year of university which taught me key skills in organisation, prioritisation, time management and greatly improved my communication skills. 

I came out as bi when I was 17 and through that I was able to help friends who were struggling to come out and support so many different people which led me to realise the importance of this kind of role. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Students should vote for me be cause  I am willing to commit my time and effort to representing them as best as I possibly can. I am a black, bi woman who understands a lot of the issues students would be going through and so would be very well suited to representing those issues. I am someone who is always motivated to help another person and always has a clear plan. My experiences in life have made me compassionate, empathetic and driven to help others so they don’t struggle like I did in the past. 
Im a woman of action not just words and I am driven by a desire for change.