Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a second-year international student, I am familiar with various difficulties international students face during their studies. I would like to communicate those problems with the faculty and the university in order to make the study experience better at UCL. I work as an online tutor and a summer camp mentor and developed my skills in listening and communication through work. I am also a teaching assistant for a Year1 module in my programme. I am an open, patient person with a non-judgmental attitude, and my friends feel it is easy to open up with me. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope that I, along with many other officers and support team members, can make the student's voices heard and make the communication between the students and the university more accessible. I hope the students' concerns can be resolved, and education can be more accessible for students, especially international students from various social-economic backgrounds. During my first year, I received a lot of help from our student advisor, lectures and course reps, I would like to pass the kindness on to other members of our faculty and university.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

For the past academic year, I was trying to let the university more aware of the high tuition fee of international students, and how that can prevent many people from entering. The process is slow but I have not given up yet. With persistence, I believe we can make changes together. I am a good listener and willing to help, moreover, I get back to emails quite fast!